Sunday 7 February 2010


Since the start of this fabulous 2010, my ambition has been to WORK-IT-OUT. Get in SHAPE. Lose that FLAB. So, in true Belfast style; I didn't go and work out in the Gym, I didn't go out running. I worked out with Davina McCall in my front room. Despite initial thoughts though; she is one physco bitch! After several minutes of pumpin' it out, I'm pooped. I suppose I have seen a Slight bulge on the upper arm...HOLLISTER MODELLING, HERE I COME!

Thursday 4 February 2010

My Life, my love, MY BEDHEAD.

My absolute love is for the mighty range of hair products, bedhead. My sacred gold being my "manipulator". Its a funky gunk that rocks, according to the lid anyway...and it is oooh such a strange substance. Its runny, yet thick, shiney, yet matte finish gives that oooh so delightful and strange to work with. Only using a miniscule amount, rub between your fingertips until it emulsiphies...smother into your head...enjoy the SEXY COCONUT smell. Dont be fooled! It IS working...just give it time. Get some ooh so gorgeous locks. BAM.

I HATE translink

For those who are used to the convinence and ease of the London public transport system, you may experience a severe shock to the system when coming to gold ol' norn' iron'. We unfortuantly, do not have a tube system, tram system, monorail system or such. We can bearly get a train for Belfast to dublin. And on the occassional occurance which that can occur, a bridge falls down, which the train line runs over. So, to the buses. Translink, our ONLY public transport company, provide buses, trains and soforth. As an example of their delightful service (Which I am lucky enough to experience each and every morning). Monday am: leave for the bus stop 20 mins before it arrives...incase it decides to be super early. Stand at a freezing cold, unsheltered bus stop, for 30mins, until the (only) morning bus arrives. Get on the mongilisious bus, to find that the engine blows up - so a small trip to the depot, to change to a bus from the 1940's. Arrive at destination braindead, hypothermic and exhausted. The average belfasters commute.

Oh yes, and did I point out, if you phone up to complain, they hang up on you.


Wednesday 3 February 2010

George waaaa(?)tson's college.

In just over one month, a small delegation from the mighty royal academy, will be swooooping our way over to edinburugh, on a lovely orange jet - to particiapate in what I think as the ULTIMATUM in MUN conferences. For all of you which is unaware to the fact of MUN, it's baisically a model version of the UN. But getting Down to facts, we get a lot more done than them :) so yeah! We will be the democratic republic of congo, me bring environmental (my forté). small issue is what travel sized shampoo will I get? Was think L'OCCUTAINE, but. I'm not to sure on them :)

Laters haters :)

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Adam Barnes

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IPAD? Just a belfast ipod...

The mighty Ipad. The long awaited, and the long wanted by gadgeters everywhere. For anyone new to "tablet computers", they're a big touchscreen, which acts like a normal computer. Well. As per usual, Apple have done it differently. To me, the ipad, IS just and ipod. It's just a really big ipod touch, which runs iwork, and ibook. FINISHED.

Time to Begin...

With as much ambition as I can gather up, I shall re-start (what had never really been started) my internet life. The Blogging, twitter, facebook and so-on - shall attempted to be updated reguarly, telling everyone the goings on of my day-t0-day life. Here we go :)